Already Dried Bouquet Preservation Options

Already Dry Bouquet Options

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Pressing florals from the moments that meant the most to you. At Element, Your Flowers are Pressed with Intention.

Our team of talented artisans press and design thousands of bouquets each year for clients across the country.

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From the moment your flowers enter our beautiful studio, we treat them like they're our own.

With nearly one hundred steps in our process, we work diligently to provide you with the pressed flower artwork of your dreams.

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We pride ourselves in transparency, all flowers press differently.

From color change to aging over the years, we showcase honest and helpful information across our website so you too can appreciate the beauty of pressed flowers as an organic art medium.

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After the flowers are pressed for their piece our talented design team works their magic.

Ensuring your framed florals or resin design are something you will cherish for years to come.

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When your order is complete we carefully pack your order for shipment or local pick-up.

If you're local to Easton, PA - consider saving money by dropping off your fresh flowers and choosing order pick up to collect your piece(s) when they're ready!

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Pressed and Framed Flowers by Element

Interested in preserving flowers from other sentimental events? Our professional services include events such as funerals and memorials, graduation bouquets, baby shower blooms, and more. Our mission is to turn your most cherished fresh flowers into a work of art.

Pressed Flowers with Element Preservation

Framed Flowers and Preserved Bouquets in Resin

Our resin and frame offerings gives you the freedom to choose what fits your decor and needs. You can even browse our commonly paired products to create the perfect bundle.

Complimentary Consultations for Wedding Bouquet Preservation

We offer free consultations from all sentimental occasions, both in-person and virtual, to allow you to explore your options without feeling obligated. Schedule your appointment with us today!

Last-Minute Orders Accepted for Your Flower Preservation

We have reservation-free orders, so you don't have to plan months ahead. Simply let us know what you'd like, place your order, and we'll start designing.

Get Started!

Our resin and frame preservation gives you the freedom to choose what fits your decor and needs. You can even mix and match resin and frame preservation to create the perfect bundle.

We offer free consultations, allowing you to explore your options without feeling obligated. Schedule your appointment with us today!

We have reservation-free orders, so you don't have to plan months ahead. Simply let us know what you'd like, place your order, and we'll start designing.

Our creative, inspired team, ensures your flower preservation is in good hands. We have an in-house team of 22 creative minds committed to getting you the perfect bouquet preservation.

We celebrate of the organic nature of flowers. We aim to capture the natural essence of florals, and we believe in admiring their beauty as they mature gracefully.

Schedule a Bouquet Preservation Consultation With Us

We want to ensure we memorialize your bouquet exactly how you want for years to come. Schedule a free in-person or virtual consultation with us to discuss your options & what you can expect from us!

Schedule Free Consultation